Ook dit jaar doet The International Customer Experience Awards Nederland aan. The Best CRM is trots dat ze wederom gevraagd is om toe te treden tot de jury! The International Customer Experience Awards is een initiatief wat ik van harte toejuich en ondersteun. Immers, de essentie van klantgericht ondernemen is klanten te binden en boeien door het bieden van een excellente klantervaring.
The International Customer Experience Awards?
De International Customer Experience Awards viert en erkent de allerbeste initiatieven op het vlak van een excellente klantbelevenis. Deze initiatieven zijn ingedeeld in meerdere categorieën. De finale en de prijsuitreiking vormen de bekroning van een boeiende award reis voor alle deelnemers.
Dit unieke evenement stelt bedrijven uit de hele wereld in staat om te strijden voor de ultieme eer in de wereld van klantervaring!
Categorieën zijn onderverdeeld in organisaties, teams, individuen – leiders, managers, inspirerende mensen:
- Customer-Centric Culture – That is sustained across the entire organisation with all employees, systems, processes and that puts the customer at the heart of everything that is done
- Best Customer Experience Strategy – A customer experience strategy that demonstrated a tangible shift in direction and that lead to positive business results
- Business Change or Transformation – A significant Customer Experience focus that led to sustainable change or transformation of the organisation
- Customer Insight & Feedback – An active programme to listen to customers (multi channel), to create feedback opportunities, & effectively use customer insights to make high impact changes to products, services, processes and the overall customer experience
- Best Measurement in Customer Experience – That demonstrates the use of key CX metrics to bring a greater customer focus to tracking, analysing and effectively measuring initiatives
- Best Multi/Omni-Channel Customer Experience – A customer focus on delivering a consistent and persistent customer experience across all channels when interacting with your company
- Most Effective Customer Experience in Social Media – Demonstrate the effective use of individual or mixed social media channels to build active relationships that fully engage customers – Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Instagram, Google+
- Contact Centre – A contact centre transformation project demonstrating great customer experience and making it easier for customers to do business with you
- Client Relationship Management – Designed and implemented new and effective techniques to enhance the customer experience through better customer relationship management (CRM)
- Best Use of Mobile – Using phone, tablet and other mobility devices to deliver an exceptional customer experience
- Digital Transformation – The profound transformation of business and organizational activitie. A focus on processes, competencies and models to significantly enhance customer and employee experiences that fully use changes and opportunities available in a mix of digital technologies
- Best Digital Strategy – That implemented an effective digital strategy that lead to positive customer engagement and improved business results
- Diversity & inclusion – That has diversity and inclusion at the heart of its business, providing outstanding support and opportunities to everyone equally
- Employer of the Year – Engaged and highly Motivated Employees, High Staff Retention Rates, Human Resource Initiatives, Personnel Development Initiatives
- Employee Empowerment – A Strategy designed to enhance the employee experience, demonstrate corporate wellbeing and linking employee engagement and empowerment to the heart of the business
- Customer Experience Professional – Who has identified & responded to an opportunity resulting in influencing the organisation to shift and significantly impact the overall customer experience
- Customer Experience Team – A team that has identified & responded to an opportunity resulting in significant impact on customer experience and the organisation
- Customer Experience Leadership – A leader whose influence ,communication, passion and focus has significantly impacted the adoption of a more customer focussed culture and transformation empowering their organisation or community
- Customer Complaints – focuses on how businesses manage consumer complaints
De jury
Er is een degelijk en transparant beoordelingsproces vastgesteld. Een proces dat duidelijkheid en vertrouwen biedt aan alle betrokkenen. Inzendingen worden gerankt aan de hand van vooraf vastgestelde criteria. Scores worden gegenereerd op basis van een combinatie van:
- een uitgebreide case study
- een live presentatie inclusief vragen rondje met de juryleden.
Alle finalisten ontvangen gecertificeerde feedback rapporten om continue verbetering mogelijk te maken en voor een vergelijk met hun prestaties ten opzichte van andere finalisten, inclusief winnaars.
Meer weten?
- Vragen? Ik hoor ze graag of neem een kijkje op de website van de The International Customer Experience Awards: Algemene informatie>>
- De geschiedenis van customer experience in vogelvlucht: Post klantgericht ondernemen verleden, heden en toekomst>>